VMS QuickView

Frequently-Asked Questions

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This file contains the answers to the most frequently asked questions about our VMS QuickViewSM product as well as troubleshooting information. If you are unable to find your question or answer here, please contact the VMS QuickView helpdesk on 1-800-867-0331 or by email at QuickViewHelp@vmsinfo.com.

What is VMS QuickView?
VMS QuickViewSM is a whole new way to get information about your TV coverage. It allows you to see and hear the actual news segment along with a written summary of each story. Clicking on a VMS QuickView link plays, at one frame per second, a video clip of the actual news segment. Having the option to see and hear a news segment instantly helps users better understand how a story aired, allowing them to make more informed decisions about the segment.

The VMS QuickView video clip won't play. What's the problem?
If you click on the "VMS QuickView" link at the end of a news summary and the media player window remains blank, your computer or network may not meet VMS QuickView's minimum requirements.

If you click a VMS QuickView link and see this message in the media player window

Sorry, this clip is temporarily unavailable

the clip has been sidetracked for technical reasons. In most cases, the clip will be available when you try again later.

The picture is not smooth. Is something wrong?
Probably not. VMS QuickView clips are designed to consume very little Internet bandwidth. We accomplish this by displaying only one frame of video each second, rather than the standard 30 frames per second like you would see on television. The audio portion should not be affected. Assuming you see one frame each second and hear an uninterrupted audio track, then nothing is wrong.

If I purchase a video tape, will it look like the VMS QuickView clip?
No. If you buy a tape, CD, or digital copy of a news segment, it will be delivered in VHS-or-better quality, just as you're accustomed to seeing. VMS QuickView clips are created expressly for their use in the VMS QuickView service.

How long is a VMS QuickView segment available for viewing?
Segments are available for 21 days from broadcast. Storage for any longer period is economically impractical.

Why are VMS QuickView links missing from some news items?
Currently, you will not see any VMS QuickView links for radio monitoring or for local cable networks not monitored by VMS.

VMS QuickView links are available for all monitored national network, cable, and syndicated news programs plus all primary newscasts in all 210 U.S. markets.

Which television markets are covered?
VMS QuickView links are available for all monitored national network, cable, and syndicated news programs plus all primary newscasts in all 210 U.S. markets (as designated by Nielsen Media Research).

Is VMS QuickView available for radio segments?
Currently, VMS QuickView radio segments are not available.

Do I need special equipment or software to use VMS QuickView?
Probably not. VMS QuickView uses Windows Media Player, a standard video player developed by Microsoft. If your computer is more than two years old, you might want to check the minimum requirements. For some users, strict firewall rules may prohibit access to the video. See your local systems administrator for assistance, or contact the VMS QuickView help desk by email at QuickViewHelp@vmsinfo.com.

Can I save VMS QuickView clips to my local disk?
No. If you need a permanent copy of a segment it may be ordered through your VMS account representative.

Help! My question is not on this list.
Please contact the helpdesk at QuickViewHelp@vmsinfo.com.