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stationlist international news alert news crisis More businesses turn to VMS to help manage how they are perceived by their public than any other monitoring source.

VMS records nearly 60,000 hours of broadcast news monthly, in 40+ broadcast/cable networks, and thousands of local newscasts in more than 100 markets. Our news database includes immediate access to detailed summaries of what is seen and said in more than 1,500,000 news stories every month. These summaries are supplemented by closed captioning text, which are scripts of the spoken word of a newscast. This allows our experienced team to keep you alerted to how you are being portrayed in the news.

VMS PR Services specializes in bringing you:
  • Reputation Management Tools
  • Crisis Management Services
  • Competitive Intelligence Reporting
  • Media Relations Information
  • Media Training Examples
  • Result Measurement Reports

Let our professional Account Service Representatives alert you to how your company is being portrayed in the news. Our unique notification system is enhanced by verification services including videocassettes or digital files of news segments, verbatim transcripts with complete visual descriptions, customized activity reports and analyses, and a full range of custom monitoring services anytime, anywhere, worldwide.

Ask your VMS PR Services representative for more information!


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