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Newsboards, a unique product that provides more than a transcript of broadcast coverage.  It’s a marriage of text and images displaying how your product, brand or message was displayed on network or cable entertainment programs or newscasts. Newsboards have multiple uses including:


• Marketing departments can use them to help drive product sales.

• Sales organizations can insert them into sales kit for customers

• Public relations professionals can include them in press packages

• Notifying retailers so that they can be alerted about new product releases

• They can be used to illustrate internal reports to senior management

Know that your brand/product/message is reaching the public. VMS monitors all major network and cable in major markets. You will be alerted whenever there is a broadcast that affects your business. It will keep you ahead of your competition.  

Newsgrabs are a single important image you want archived. Either by via a print or digitally e-mailed to you.


To find out more about how Newsboards, please call 800-VMS-2002.


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