1. Crossfire
CNN (---) National
01/13/200504:30 PM - 05:00 PM

[cc] 00:10:48 Let's face it. Americans are fat. 60% Of us at least by one survey. The Bush administration, in response, has unveiled new federal guidelines about diet, nutrition and exercise but some conservatives are telling our conservative president to, well, but out. Joining us today in the "Crossfire" radio talk show host Michael Graham and the author of the best selling world beating, colossally huge book the South Beach Diet Dr. Arthur Agatston who is fittingly in Miami Beach. >> Thank you. >> You have made fame and fortune with a diet. Now, I have my own diet and I want to read to you what I had for dinner a few nights ago. I had appetizer French fried onion, full rack of barbecued pork ribs, French fried potatoes schooner of draft beer and for desert two scoops of vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. What is wrong with that diet? >> I think it is wonderful for the cardiologists and medical professions. Create a lot more business for us

2. CNN Headline News
CNN Headline News (---) National
01/13/200502:00 PM - 02:30 PM

[cc] 00:13:48 ..now with yesterday's release of the new dietary guidelines, the message for consumers is to do even more to improve your health. Joining us now to provide more insight on the new food pyramid is Dr. Arthur Agatston, author of the book "The South Beach Diet." We appreciate you being here today, doctor. >> Good morning. Good to be with you. >> The new guidelines call for more emphasis on fruits and vegetables and whole grains and foods low in saturated fats and all of those things you have been saying all along? >> Yeah. I'm really thrilled that the change. A lot of America's epidemic of obesity was due to the emphasis on process carbohydrate to the new guidelines that say specifically whole grains, fruits and vegetables. And that is the good carbohydrates and that's a big uniformity. >> Well, we've heard, you know, for years, about good fats and bad fats, but your diet talks about the right carbohydrates which you just talked about. I didn't know that there was such a thing because so many diets tell us to stay away from'em. >> No, you can be on a high carbohydrate diet. We have a vegetarian form of the South Beach Diet, but as long as you're emphasizing the fruits, whole fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.....the extreme is Lance Armstrong. He burns up 20,000 calories a day exercising. He has to eat all of the time when he's not exercising. So, you know, it's how it fits into your life style, but the more, the better. The more, the healthier. >> People typically get started on a diet later in life when that belt gets a little tight. But you say this should start early in life? >> Yes. You know, when I mentioned we talked about the obesity epidemic entering the schools and our even preschool children. What they need--it's not only weight gain, it's undernutrition. A lot of what we call attention deficit in kids' behavioral problems is because they're not getting any fruits, vegetables or good fats they're eating pure starch. And so beginning--the kids don't have to be on a diet, but they need more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and good fats. >> It helps a parent if the child is on the same diet. Dr. Arthur Agatston, author of the best-selling book, "South Beach Diet," thanks for being with us today. >> Thank you.

3. CNN Headline News
CNN Headline News (---) National
01/13/200512:30 PM - 01:00 PM

[cc] 00:11:37 >>> Americans have long been encouraged to eat more fruits and vegetables and exercise. Now, with yesterday's release of the new dietary guidelines, the message for consumers is to do even more to improve your health. Joining us now to provide more insight on the new food pyramid is Dr. Arthur Agatston, author of the book, "the South Beach Diet." Dr. Agatston, thanks for being here today. >> Good morning. Good to be with you. >> The new guidelines call for more emphasis on fruits and vegetables and whole grains and also foods low in saturated fats trans fats and cholesterol. All of those things that you have been saying all along. >> Yeah, I'm really thrilled that the change. A lot of America's epidemic of obesity was due to the emphasis of processed carbohydrates. The new guidelines say specifically whole grains, fruits and vegetables. That's the good carbohydrates and that's a big improvement. >> You know we've heard, you know, for years about good fats and bad fats but your diet talk about the right carbohydrates which you just talked about. I didn't know there was such a thing because so many diets tell us to stay away from them. >> No, you can be on a high carbohydrate diet.


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