
Incomparable news analysis capabilities.

Evaluate and improve the effectiveness of your PR campaign, brand perception and more with InSight's in-depth quantitative analysis and reporting capabilities.

Know more with better information and better intelligence gathering

VMS’ extensive network of affiliates and partnership with BurrellesLuce gives us the ability to monitor and report on virtually every market across all media. Specify your search criteria and media mix and we can provide monitoring and quantitative analysis of media coverage of you and your competitors. You can get notification of relevant content or get content delivered to you in a wide variety of formats, including abstracts, article text, scanned clippings, audio/video clips and more – physically and digitally.

Our analysis involves a rigorous, daily process of media screening and reporting on media occurrence, tone, size/duration and more that are rated and compared against a standard internal rubric that can produce tangible numerical ratings and descriptions for you to evaluate your PR performance with.

What makes our analysis that much stronger and more unique is the human factor involved. When gathering your intelligence, VMS does not rely on digital and mechanical analysis alone, which can miss vital information and visual cues that closed caption monitoring cannot perceive.

Our editors and media specialists personally review all our media content in the top 50 markets, as well as your specified media mix, around the clock to ensure delivery of precise, relevant and actionable intelligence to our clients.

With continuous content updates and 24/7 service, you can rely on VMS’ analysis to provide you with the accurate, valuable information you need to evaluate, demonstrate and improve PR effectiveness.


• Ability to survey a wide range of media for patterns and trends and identify issues which must be evaluated or addressed in PR/advertising

• Quantitative results – media activity evaluated according to a standard rubric, which produces numerical ratings and descriptions

• Content delivery in a wide variety of forms – abstracts, article text, scanned clippings or audio/video clips


• Tap the power of media as a leading indicator of business success

• Quickly and precisely evaluate the effectiveness of PR campaigns and business ideas

• Minimize risk – discover and respond to news that can negatively impact your business, including items on competitive, industry wide, economic, legal and political matters

• Peace of mind that common mechanical failures and other technical disruptions will not impede your monitoring services