Crisis Alert and Urgent Alert Reports

Stay constantly informed so that you can re-act quickly and decisively in a crisis.

In crisis/urgent situations, VMS can provide continuous monitoring of relevant news with a dedicated editorial and situation-management team.

Count on dedicated the VMS media specialists for rapid, relevant intelligence.

Our crisis researchers work to deliver news as it happens – providing live monitoring, recording, editing, and transcription of news mentions for immediate delivery to you in any location at any time of the day or night. It’s the most immediate and comprehensive way to track and gather what the media may be reporting on your urgent situation.

Our NewsAlert service is a joint venture between VMS and BurrellesLuce that provides comprehensive clipping reports containing news segment summaries from the latest broadcast news, along with full-text articles from each day’s domestic and foreign news wire services, newspapers, magazines, and newsletters. NewsAlert can even search Internet news groups.

With NewsAlert, reports are retrieved per your specifications, reviewed and edited, and transmitted to your computer by 8:00 AM every business morning – and updated twice each day. Real-time live monitoring of broadcast news is accessible to you at anytime, day or night, and is coupled with immediate delivery of reports, transcripts, and tapes.


• Dedicated team provides live monitoring, recording, editing and transcribing of news mentions for immediate delivery to you in any location any time of the day or night

• Personal assistance from our professional staff on call 24/7/365

• On-demand reporting of critical news mentions in real time


• Real-time, actionable intelligence so that you can make informed strategic and tactical decisions quickly and off-set potential damage to brand image or other business considerations

• The widest coverage across all media to ensure that you’re covered from every angle