VMS’ Mission, Vision and Promise

VMS’ Mission

VMS’ mission is to provide senior corporate executives, chief marketing officers and their advertising, marketing and public relations agencies with Integrated Media Intelligence solutions that help protect against competitive threats, while informing strategies for success. Our solutions are built upon the richest, broadest, deepest content in the industry. We monitor and capture more media and advertising content, in more markets, than any other company. We provide the most reliable, accurate and actionable analysis based on this content. We combine the most advanced monitoring technologies with expert human analysis to deliver more value and relevance. And we do this across all key media in today’s integrated mix – broadcast, Internet, radio, print and out-of-home.

VMS’ Vision

VMS’ vision is to continue to lead the market and to deliver innovation that makes our media intelligence more powerful, accessible, incisive and actionable. We are today building tomorrow’s solutions – solutions that will help enterprises better understand the effectiveness and ROI of their marketing and public relations programs; the interplay, relative and collective efficacy of these programs. These solutions will deliver more and more useful multichannel media intelligence. And they will go farther, at last realizing the promise of a true, quantitative open-platform marketing performance management system. VMS’ mission and its vision are aggressive and ambitious, and commensurate with your expectations of the market leader. They also are reliant on a culture of service and professionalism developed over the past 30 years, one customer at a time.

VMS’ Promise

Through our mission and vision, VMS’ promise to you is simple: We will help you know better. So that you can compete better. So that you can win in today’s hyper-competitive marketplace.