PR impact measuring up


PRWeek, April 10, 2023


Kudos for your recent feature story, "How P&G; Measures up." The piece clearly demonstrates the impact PR can have on business outcomes.


PR has been missing from the sophisticated marketing-mix models utilized by major firms for too long. We applaud Procter & Gamble's initiative.


As a member of the Institute for Public Relations Commission on PR Measurement and Evaluation, I am elated whenever I see more proof surface as to the power of our profession.

We have done similar work with other companies, and we've seen the accuracy of forecasting greatly enhanced by folding editorial activity into the mix.


Angela Jeffrey
VP, editorial research
VMS Member, IPR Commission on PR Measurement and Evaluation

Pedersen Q&A refreshing


I just read the interview with Wes Pedersen ( Q&A - April 3, 2023). What a thoroughly refreshing read.

Opinion without equivocation. Opinion based on real-life experience. Opinion without a partisan slant. It is rare to find unvarnished insight like this.


Over the years, I have read many of the pieces Wes has written for Public Affairs Council publications, and they are always tight and informative. But this interview gives voice to a keen observer of communications by people in power. I hope that he keeps writing in this style - I have time for reading like this.


Stephen Ciccone
Director and VP, public affairs
Eastman Kodak Co.
Washington, DC