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Thank you for your interest in AdSight
AdSight is the new, best-of-breed, Web-based advertising intelligence solution. Get instant access to the industry’s biggest, best online ad database, with millions of ads across all media. Get up-to-the-minute occurrence and spending data from the industry’s best sources – including Nielsen and Media Monitors. Get the most powerful search capabilities and customizable tools that make your intelligence easily and instantly actionable.
Only AdSight lets you:
Access VMS’ online advertising database of over 2 million ads across broadcast, Internet, print, radio and out-of-home.
Get competitive advertising occurrence and spending data – down to the individual ad level.
Save time and increase productivity with powerful, easy-to-use search capabilities –  so you find the creative you need, right when
you need it.
Download unlimited ad clips right to your desktop in any digital format, or have the creative delivered to you physically.
Preview creative before you buy – then purchase with easy,
one-click ordering.
To launch the AdSight demo, please submit your information below.
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