High-quality, scene-by-scene storyboards for cost-effective presentations.
VMS VideoBoards are a simple, cost-effective alternative to sharing, presenting and cataloging broadcast creative via DVD or videotape. VMS’ detailed VideoBoards give you your broadcast creative in an easy-to-read, easy-to-distribute, actionable format.

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Broadcast At a Glance
VMS’ VideoBoards are high-quality, scene-by-scene, post-production storyboards of television commercials.
Our VideoBoards contain a full-text transcript of the script displayed beneath key still frames, each frame carefully chosen to illustrate the essence of the commercial at a glance.
Plus, VideoBoards can be created with your logo or other customizable elements.
Easy to Share & Save Time Presenting and Training
VMS can deliver hard copies using high-quality four-color printing presses, and we also have a wide variety of other printing methods available for smaller runs.
VideoBoards can also be sent electronically as PDFs via email or through your VMS AdSight solution.
You can then easily reproduce or email them to colleagues.
In some cases, it isn't practical or cost efficient to present TV spots using DVDs or videotapes.
VideoBoards let you share and creative without media constraints – and without having to spend hours reviewing footage.
  Scene-by-scene visuals with accompanying
full-text transcript
  Cost-effectively share, present and catalog your
broadcast creative
  Comprehensive and customizable with your logo,
the title of the spot, ISCI code and launch date
  Present/review TV spots without media constraints
(ie: TV, DVD, video tapes, computer)
  High-quality printing and high-resolution images   Present to colleagues and train team members quickly
and easily – without having to view hours of footage
  Delivered as hardcopies or PDFs, via email
or AdSight
  Replace as-produced scripts with more accurate
representations of final spots
    Easily share spots with your legal, research and PR teams
    Conveniently archive past and present campaigns
    Track/make commercial revisions with ease
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