Creative Coverage
The world's largest advertising library - 5 million ads and growing fast.
No other source approaches the breadth and depth of the VMS advertising creative library. We monitor more advertising activity in more markets than any other source in the world, and every new ad is available on the Web within minutes of its addition to our database. Whether you need a single television commercial or complete multimedia coverage of an industry, VMS has it covered.
Creative Content By Media
Television - We have over 2 million TV commercials dating back to the 1960s, and we are the only monitoring service with coverage from all 210 U.S. DMAs®.
Radio - We monitor thousands of hours of radio broadcast every month in 36 major markets and 689 stations.
Print - Our print advertising coverage includes over 18,000 publications upon request.
Out-of-Home - We capture Out-of-Home creative in 12 markets.
Internet - We monitor thousands of web sites every day for new banner ads.
International - VMS offers TV, Print, and Internet creative from 78 countries across 6 continents.
Hispanic - We offer specialized coverage of Spanish language advertising across TV, Radio, Print, Out-of-Home, and the Internet. Translations are available for all Spanish ads.
Market Coverage - Click here for specifics on our market coverage and publication list.

Delivery Formats - We offer a wide range of traditional and digital formats for each media.

DMA® is a registered trademark of Nielsen Media Research, Inc.

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