Creative Coverage> Delivery Formats
Digital and hard copy formats to meet any need.
All ads in the VMS library are available in a wide variety of formats, from traditional hard copy to a full range of digital file formats. If you are interested in a format that is not on the list below, please contact our Production department at 212-329-5173.
Television Commercial Formats
• 1/2 " tape, 3/4 " tape, Beta, RealVideo, QuickTime, Windows Video, MPEG, LaserBoard
Radio Commercial Formats
• Audiocassette, WAV, Real Audio, Windows Audio, Audio CD, Transcript
Print Ad Formats
• PDF, JPEG, TIFF, Hard Copy
Out-of-Home Formats
• JPEG, PDF, TIFF, Hard Copy
Internet Ad Formats
• GIF, JPEG, HTML, Hard Copy