Ad Activity and Expenditure Reporting
Essential intelligence on occurrence, expenditures and share of voice.
Know when, where and to what extent your competitors are advertising - and determine the share of voice of your own communications - with VMS' real –time ad activity and expenditure reports. VMS leverages strategic relationships with companies like Nielsen and Media Monitors to get the most accurate and timely occurrence and spending information available in the marketplace. VMS can track competitive ad activity vis a vis your own, utilizing metric-based analyses across major markets, as well as regional and local markets. So you get quantifiable, demonstrable and actionable competitive intelligence.
Ad Activity and Expenditure Reporting Options
Occurrence and Spending Reports - Invaluable analysis of your competitors' advertising activity and along with share of voice in virtually every market.
PrintPlus - The vital spending and occurrence data you need with the industry's most comprehensive print advertising monitoring and analysis service.
Product Placement -The quantitative value of your product placements.
Proof of Performance - Monitoring and confirmation that your ad ran or aired when it should have.
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