The best-of-breed Web-based advertising monitoring and intelligence solution.
With AdSight, VMS sets a new standard for competitive advertising intelligence. For fastest access to literally millions of recent and archived ads monitored across all media. For the most comprehensive occurrence and spend data from premier data sources including Nielsen, Media Monitors and VMS. For a fully customizable online content/data management dashboard that lets you organize, manage, report on and distribute competitive ad clips, data and reports with unparalleled ease, efficiency and productivity. Simply, if you need to monitor, analyze and act upon advertising intelligence, you need AdSight - the best-of-breed solution from VMS.

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All-in-One Ad Monitoring
Save time and increase productivity with AdSight's powerful, easy-to-use search capabilities. Find advertising content by category, product, keyword, date, media, language, country and more. VMS' online advertising database of over 2 million ad clips across TV, Internet, print, radio and out-of-home is the industry's largest, by far.
Get competitive advertising occurrence and spend data - down to the individual ad level - from the industry's leading sources, including Nielsen, Media Monitors and VMS.
Access AdSight anywhere, anytime from any Web browser. Organize/manage your competitive advertising intelligence with a customizable, real-time dashboard for a top-level view of your most recent alerts, ads, searches, and data.
You can also access AdSight through your own extranet, brand portal, digital asset library or marketing content management application.
The Continuous, Up-to-the-Minute Intelligence Tool
Download unlimited ad clips right to your desktop in any digital format, or have the creative delivered to you physically. AdSight lets you view the creative you want, then purchase it with easy, one-click ordering.
Keep constantly abreast of updated competitive advertising and data with daily updates and email alerts. Simply specify what products and brands you want VMS to monitor. You receive immediate notices of newly available content and data.
Get immediate access to ads from the year’s biggest advertising “events,” such as the Super Bowl, the Academy Awards and more.
  Modular, Web-based platform provides for the storage and management of ad clips, as well as competitive ad occurrence and spend data   Simplified, centralized storage and management of competitive advertising intelligence with the ability to distribute and access content organization-wide
  Best-of-breed creative content and data from the industry's leading sources. AdSight is your single source for creative samples and occurrence and spend data across TV, print, radio, Internet and out-of-home advertising   The ability to easily obtain and analyze competitive messaging across all media
  Delivery of up-to-the-minute content and access to the largest advertising database in the world   Highly focused, 24/7, real-time integrated advertising intelligence
  Easy access, organization-wide, with customizable dashboard interface for actionable competitive advertising intelligence   Enhanced productivity through powerful search, data filtering, reporting archiving and digital delivery capabilities
  Easy access, organization-wide, with customizable interface for individual users  
  Delivery of creative content in your choice of digital and physical formats  
  Instant alerts and automatic retrieval of your specified content  
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