PRtrak® – Comprehensive PR Measurement
The industry's most comprehensive and most actionable PR measurement solutions.
PRtrak® provides the industry's most innovative and comprehensive means of valuing publicity - providing unique metrics, such as Share of Discussion and a Media Prominence Index that enable you to clearly and quantitatively correlate publicity levels to business outcomes.

Download White Paper: "Correlating Outputs to Outcomes" (PDF)
Download White Paper: "Measuring Effectively" (PDF)
Download White Paper: "Standardized Data Metrics and Methodologies from VMS" (PDF)
Download Fact Sheet (PDF)
View the demo
PRtrak's Measurement Solutions and Services
PRtrak Web - Get easy, cost-efficient, do-it-yourself PR measurement and analysis via our desktop PRtrak Web solution. PRtrak Web provides instant reports with audience impressions and media values for all media types, and it features our unique Media Prominence Index - enabling you to quantitatively monitor your media performance vis-a-vis your competitors.
PRtrak+ - Receive custom quantitative and qualitative reports on your desktop via PRtrak+. PRtrak+ gives you the control you need to edit and customize reports we run for you.
PRtrak Ai - Measure your overall media performance with PRtrak Ai, our lightning-quick, advanced linguistics, artificial intelligence service that produces "Share of Discussion" measures for you and your competitors, and correlates them to business outcomes you specify.
  The largest aggregation of media measurements in the industry   Quantitatively correlate publicity activity to business outcomes
  Precision metrics for more than 100,000 broadcast, print and Internet media sources, including over 30,000 Web sites   Compare your media coverage vis-a-vis your competitors using proven quantitative methods
  Complete data on Broadcast Gross Impressions (Audience 18+, AQH, in half-hour increments) and print circulation   Complete content analysis - slant, prominence, message-point conveyance or other user-defined options
  Readership and credibility indices   Demonstrate the value of public relations efforts with reliable data
  Expert analysts oversee all work to ensure accuracy  
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