VMS InSight™

VMS’ InSight™ is the industry’s pioneering and leading Web-based platform to plan, manage and evaluate your PR campaigns. With this comprehensive solution, you can quickly and easily create media lists, manage and distribute campaign materials, collect, manage and respond to press inquires, analyze media coverage and quantify the results of your efforts right from your desktop.

InSight is a scalable solution that can be tailored you your exact needs, seamlessly integrating media contacts, content and analysis – and providing you with the actionable intelligence you need, right when you need it.

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InSight Contacts: Plan and manage your campaigns more easily and effectively.
With InSight Contacts, you gain access to a constantly updated media directory including over 60,000 media outlets, editorial calendars and over 450,000 media contacts. InSight Contacts is available online 24/7 and provides valuable information from all media and markets – so you can create targeted media lists for campaign distribution and follow-up. And, because it is integrated with InSight’s content management and measurement capabilities, InSight Contacts enables far greater productivity and ease-of-use.
InSight Newsroom: Execute your campaigns from one central site.
With InSight Newsroom, you can provide a single source for media, investor and consumer relations to access and download press release copy, media kits, graphics, audio, video and more. Create and deliver search engine optimized social media press releases. Write blog posts and link to social media sites. Provide RSS feeds and enable sharing and bookmarking. And generate reports that identify the journalists who access your Newsroom.
InSight Coverage: Monitor and access coverage across all media.
InSight brings you the most relevant media content from the most trusted sources, from the most markets and across all media types. Get on-demand access to global coverage across print (newspapers, magazines, newsletters and trade publications), Internet (web sites, newsgroups, blogs, social media and web video), and broadcast (210 U.S. DMAs). With just a click, you can locate, review, share and act upon the information most important to you. With InSight, you can choose the monitoring service that best fits your needs, delivering you your editorial content in the manner that best fits your media intelligence needs and budget.

  • InSight Analysts – With human editorial monitoring, you can be sure you’re getting the most accurate results possible – because our expert editorial staff assures it. Once InSight’s artificial intelligence software analyzes a hit, an editor reviews it, ensuring its relevance and categorizing it correctly. InSight is the only web-based platform that offers this level of high-tech, high-touch service.
  • RealTime Content – VMS recently introduced the first module of the next generation of InSight, which offers users a real-time content feed and search engine covering all media types,  including television, radio, Internet, Web Print,  social media, blogs and web video. 
Categorize and share your coverage quickly and efficiently.
InSight lets you search, track, quantify, chart and compile news coverage by a number of criteria – and it gives you the ability to share your coverage with colleagues via the InSight platform or email. You can also create online showrooms and distribute Daily News Briefs and quarterly activity reports for clients and team members. And, because InSight’s analysis modules are integrated with Contacts and Newsroom, it is easy to correlate the results of your campaigns to your efforts – and plan follow-up activities and optimize your communications strategy quickly, easily, on the fly.
Track key KPIs and demonstrate proof of PR performance.
InSight utilizes state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and skilled analysts to codify, quantify and categorize your coverage. This unique high-tech, high-touch approach allows  you to track, analyze and report on the features of media coverage that are more important you with absolute confidence. Track important brand reputation indicators including article count, impressions, tone, demographics, media values, and your own custom KPIs. Quantify your coverage to correlate efforts to business outcomes – and go beyond your own KPIs to track competitive coverage, issues and visuals…whatever is most relevant to you.
  Modular, Web-based platform enables digital storage and management of media coverage, press releases and media contacts   Broad public relations management capabilities in addition to extensive content management features
  Single source for consolidated global news monitoring with 24/7 access to content, worldwide   Highly focused, actionable media intelligence that can transform and ensure the success of your business by reducing risk, revealing opportunities and creating advantage
  Coverage and near-real-time viewing of broadcast clips from all 210 U.S. broadcast markets   Gauge of overall corporate communications performance via up-to-the minute, focused media analysis and quantitative indicators
  Wide variety of analytical and reporting tools - from top-line to in-depth analytics   Single, unified source for evaluating the success and ROI of public relations and marketing activities
  Delivery of up-to-the-minute breaking news, presented in an easy-to-use, easy-to-digest format that may be customized to each user's needs   More accurate, timely reporting
  Powerful media contact management capabilities through the MediaConnect integrated module   Productivity enhancement through powerful search, data filtering, reporting, archiving and digital delivery capabilities
  Open architecture of InSight allows for incorporation of content feeds from third party content providers   A totally secure, confidential system customized to each user
  Easy access to comprehensive source of competitive advertising through AdSight module   Archive capabilities and enhanced clip book generation features, plus historical database for comparison and future planning purposes
  Full transcripts, with video and audio segments on demand   Ability to push data to PDAs, cell phones, Blackberries
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